It's been raining for days...
Everywhere, it's been raining.
Enter the astrological Water Trine.
Water represents an inwardly gathering quality of energy.
Big news astrologically, this water trine.
A VERY fortunate energy...esp with all this water...
A lot of big news lately with the water signs.
A lot of big news in astrology lately actually.
Once again, all this rain, this water, this emotion. Shows us something within.
Oceanic fire Goddess.
leo venus, grand water trine,
mercury retro in cancer.
It's time to go inward. It's time to explore these waters, egoless (supermoon softened our ego into our dharma).
Fire has an expanding, developing quality of energy. Light a fire within. Take a lesson from the lioness goddess, Leo, where Venus the goddess of everything energetic just roared her first few days from the watery realms of cancer:
.....celebrate who you are.
Even though you may be sad and falling to pieces, or if you are joyous, love the moment where you're at....
Cause it's been raining for days.
And storms have their own beauty.
Venus's shift into bright fire sign, Leo, bringing some fire, creatively burning off some of that water log....water represents emotions.
Here's our water checklist in the sky:
- Water trine,
- 3 planets (mercury, sun, and jupiter) in Cancer (water sign),
- mercury retrograde now,
- venus just left Cancer for firey lioness Leo for some self adornment,
- and Mars is soon to enter this deep oceanic depths of the emotional psychic sign of cancer...empathy, love...
- and Neptune is in it's home court in Pisces.
- And over half the sky in retrograde motion...
NO Wonder it's raining....
....themes of nurturing the self, the internal world, and seeing those we love as an extention of that very self....
or where we don't...
and Venus in Leo, well, she won't stand for anything less than the best for herself or those she loves. ... the solution to the water log may be in re-membering, re-hashing, re-working, re-thinking, re-designing, re-structuring, re-leasing the inner world..... Mercury in Cancer went retrograde last Wednesday, we're directed towards reflection upon the time from when Mercury last went retrograde, also in a water sign, Pisces (the disolving of all emotion into the ether of connectedness, and we learned how our emotions through feeling them connect us to other)... now we deepen through our own internal connection to all those emtions, experiences, habits and thoughts brough up since last week with the supermoon on sunday....while the sun was in Cancer, the moon's commrade, or energetic double (called "ruler" in astrological definition)...
dare to dream.
dreaming that new self into creation may be the answer of fire to all this water.
letting the authentic self shine. even if we're feeling "drippy".
cause it's been raining for daaaaayyyss....
... yup, water log.... emotional overload. Everything re- goes in a mercury retro. The planet of communication, the now, represented by air sign Gemini and earth mother Virgo, does this backwards movement across the sky every few months or so. So happens this time we're in Cancer, water sign, the birth of emotions and we become nostalgic, full of memory and emotion.
the supermoon last week was like a giant flashlight (full moons have this climatic ability to draw our subconscious to conscious, or for us to fight it). the biggest all year, it came and showed us our depth of emotion and the depth of our intention. (see post on Yogastrology June workshop 2013)
oh yeah, mercury....2nd mercury retro of this year in a water sign. Yup, it keeps raining.
and with the grand water trine still in aspect with all 3 water signs in play, we become even more associated with the emotional, realm of desire, and dream world than normal. Yup. And for this round, becoming aware of all things emotional that we've kept locked inside seems to be in order, and the cosmos gives us a magnifying glass.
A magnifying glass...
and responds...
And, have you noticed, it's been raining for days...
If I pay attention, "sit" (or roll around on the floor) still enough, with my breath as my anchor...
...I can see the workings of my subconscious without the veil...
And that is the beauty of this moment in astrological history.
We're preparing to shift, but there's some purging of memory to release us of emotion. Bringing the subconscious to light.
The emotions we have reflect our individual experiences, connect us back inward, and allow us to respond from our authentic Self, although the external pulls for our energy.
and Reacts.
The Shadow of Emotion....
Shadow of emotion is that it retracts us when repressed, separating from internal as well as convincing us we're separate and alone. We react. Repressing or ignoring the way we feel separates us from flow. From authenticity. Diconnected from self. From world. From Cosmic Force. A mix for reaction. We deny the heart and give into the shadows.
Learning to walk without attachment; Learning to walk with the emotion to move it through.
This is the transformation of internal alchemy...
Once a feeling has been felt, it's been felt, it's done.
...the attachment is inside...
"Living for love, learning to let go"
--Yogastrology :: Yoga Meets Astrology, Cancer, chapter 4.
Where do you find your strength?
in the wound, or the healing....
"What makes your heart pop wide open?" --Yogastrology :: Yoga Meets Astrology, Cancer, chapter 4. When the heart speaks, dare to listen.
In the moment that we dare to accept ourselves, we rise to our own indescribable beauty .from Pure From Within
What keeps me authentic?
Running, or truth.
The truth is much less painful than we imagine.
The illusion of thought contains this suffering.
vulnerability empowers us.
vulnerability empowers us.
"do we let our emotions possess us, or do we possess our emotions." --Chris McGuire, Pranayoga Fort Wayne
And with all these emotions...
...oh hehemm, excuse me, rain ;p...
...pouring down,
do we choose to get drenched?
Or do we stay conscious of the internal as we observe the turns of the shifting tide of emotion ...
....oh wait hehemmm, rain, and choose to feel it.
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