Monday, June 17, 2013

....Breath and emotions flowing like water.... June 2013....

....Breath and emotions flowing like water....

.....Light forming through transformation of dark and light.....


....Transformation through emotion, releasing fear, and the breath....


Dark Beauty Magazine
Photographer/Model: Anna Pożarycka Fotografia

By allowing ourselves to feel, we find wholeness, fullness, in our experience. The feelings with which we respond to an experience are a way for us to discern, digest, and assimilate our experience....they bring a personal touch...

A cohesiveness to our experience.

But how do we approach feeling our emotions?
REALLY feeling them.
And then letting them go?
Or as the Buddhists say...letting them pass THROUGH...

...With Our Breath....
That beautiful word, pranayama.

Pranayama = right action for breath and life energy.
And it's simple as guiding the breath.

The breath is life.
Our pulse.
Our sensitivity.
The breath is love
I could go on...

The breath is the rhythm and pulse of our life. 
 Our connection to all parts of our being and beyond. 
 The breath is all things, unified in our energy as we intake this life.

 We become connected to something deeper, empowered by the cosmic nature of Nature and our own nature, in deep alignment.

It invites us to go deeper.

And through that vulnerable state of going deep, we find empowerment. Empowered by the mindful freedom awareness of Self and the depths of emotion bring to the human spirit.

The breath is all things.
We are the breath.
The breath is us.

What are you transforming?
What are you healing?
What is your wound?
How do we soften to heal....

The breath invites the transformation and healing. 
creating mindfullness within, we soften into flow, playful adventure.

 Playful adventure brings joy in change through mindful appreciation of all things. We find the beauty of life, our Self, our inner landscape opens to the beauty of all, to ourselves. The breath creates the space through that mindful appreciation by attuning to the present moment, and draws that awareness to all that is. That connection, that love.

By using the breath to find, create space, and experience the emotion, using it as a playful tool, navigating the body, mind, and spirit, we begin to break and chip the crust of the heart composed of those stuck feelings that form the attachment. We experience freedom.

The ignorance of feeling keeps us attached or engaged with that experience, emotion, the past, etc as we desperately try to feel what we hide in the crust of the heart. It is natural to feel. In fact, it is essential to knowing the Self....essential to our experience.

Lighten the heavy loaded vessel of the heart through the and expand into the new, the growth with ease. Expansion is hard for crusty hearts. Nostalgia is there to help us remember and then let go with a blessing, knowing there's more to come...

Exhale: cleanse, let go
Inhale: expand into a new space, new intention.

See the full article for breath and meditation exercises, and continue to open the shoulders and use conscious breath exercises to align to the Gemini energy of the sun and Jupiter, representing awareness and altruism and expansion.
Start to open the chest to support the vulnerable emotions coming through with the influence of the grand water trine throughout the month. Use this to soften into your transformation, your healing, finding the beauty of life, your appreciation of your own passions, to direct your manifestation in line with your deepest desire. Purify the desire and reaction of emotion to experience by transformative breathing, using the pelvis as an anchor in the body to support the lifting of the heart and opening in the chest. Find your feet to find grounding during change, to soothe the sensitive nature of transformation. Connect the feet into the earth, as if in soft mud or sand, sensing the ground and allowing the feet to respond, and releasing the legs into support. And draw the tail bone, pelvis, down through the feet and anchor that watery 2nd chakra and desire into purification through love and creativity.

soften everything you feel, think and do through conscious breath.
“I am breathing in, I am breathing out”.

Unblock the heart by allowing things, stress, emotions, etc. to slide of the shoulders, flowing with the Nature of the breath....

Set intentions when you hear your heart, and use your intuition to navigate into your heart and back out into the world.  

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